Clip and share current live TV moments from memorable shows while they air. Share with friends and family on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter or anywhere!
From sitcoms to live sports and events, movies, and more, if it’s on TV, you can clip it!
Just search for any TV show or program that’s on the air, select the start and end point for your clip, and share it with your family and friends.
Discover new shows and browse and share existing clips from other Clippit users.
*Note that Clippit does not stream or retransmit TV shows. It only displays images from the show that enable you to create a short clip, up to 30 seconds long.
Klip dan berbagi momen TV saat ini dari acara berkesan saat mereka udara. Berbagi dengan teman dan keluarga di Facebook, Reddit, Twitter atau di mana saja!
Dari komedi situasi hidup olahraga dan acara, film, dan banyak lagi, jika pada TV, Anda dapat klip itu!
Hanya mencari setiap acara TV atau program yang ada di udara, pilih awal dan titik akhir untuk klip Anda, dan berbagi dengan keluarga dan teman-teman.
Temukan menunjukkan baru dan isi dan berbagi klip yang ada dari pengguna Clippit lainnya.
* Perhatikan bahwa Clippit tidak streaming atau memancarkan kembali acara TV. Hanya menampilkan gambar dari acara yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat klip pendek, hingga 30 detik.
Clip and share current live TV moments from memorable shows while they air. Share with friends and family on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter or anywhere!
From sitcoms to live sports and events, movies, and more, if it’s on TV, you can clip it!
Just search for any TV show or program that’s on the air, select the start and end point for your clip, and share it with your family and friends.
Discover new shows and browse and share existing clips from other Clippit users.
*Note that Clippit does not stream or retransmit TV shows. It only displays images from the show that enable you to create a short clip, up to 30 seconds long.